Greenhope Grows the seeds of Entrepreneurship in Cikarawang Village

Monday, 06 May 2024

Greenhope is partnering with Kelompok Tani Setia to foster entrepreneurship in Cikarawang Village, Bogor Regency, West Java. This activity focuses on cassava-derived products such as modified cassava flour (mocaf) and various other foods that can be produced from this basic ingredient. The activity also aimed to empower local businesses, especially women through training in baking, snack production, and small business management.

The activities held from 23-25 April showcased the versatility of cassava in making noodles, pastries, and other snacks. Based on feedback from the Chairperson of the Setia Farmers Group, the training was considered to directly fulfil the needs of the village. More than 98% of the 76 participants were women, demonstrating their important role in driving economic growth.

Greenhope and the Tani Setia group have been in close collaboration for more than 5 years. As a producer of cassava-based eco-friendly plastic resins, Greenhope purchases cassava starch directly from the Tani Setia group at a price 25% above the market price. In addition to the welfare of farmers, this initiative also supports the greenhouse gas reduction movement, which according to the latest research significantly reduces GHG by 43%.

Greenhope remains committed to supporting farmers and MSMEs in Cikarawang Village. This initiative marks the beginning of a journey towards economic growth, and stronger community resilience.






